Thursday, February 9, 2012

CEP 812 - Leadership Project Part A

Our group decided to do our tutorial on the friendly, website creator, Weebly. We are going to split up the different aspects: 1. Overall design and layout 2. Adding videos and files 3. Advanced features including blogs and how these features will be beneficial to the classroom. Also, we will be using Jing to record our session and Google docs to work on our script. We used Vyew to web conference about our project. I really enjoyed using it. I did not have experience with it and it was very user-friendly. The chat response was quick, we could all edit at the same time and the mouse had name tags with them t identify who was editing where. The only disadvantage that I notices was not having a very big chat video to follow what everyone was saying. I stretched it, but then I couldn't read the text for the document and sometimes there was a lag when someone was editing the text. Otherwise, I recommend using Vyew!

Screencast 1
Screencast 2
Screencast 3
Screencast 4

1 comment:

  1. Weebly will be a great PD tutorial for your group. I'm sure you will put together a top notch tutorial. :)

    Your group was able to get a lot done, and successfully accomplish the outlined tasks for the meeting. I wish you would have been able to "talk" to each other. Simply chatting via text is not taking advantage of Vyew. Everything you accomplished could have been done easily in a Google Doc.

    Good luck as you put together the script and storyboard!
