Tuesday, February 14, 2012

CEP 812 Wicked Part B - Application of TPACK

    Solo 6 falls within the pedagogy and technology requirements. For my class, I will be using Solo 6 as my technology and the method I will be implementing is an individualized assessment. The software gives students the knowledge to follow along with the class despite their lack of literacy skills. The program will assist them by visual providing them the words as they are read. They will be able to follow along with the content of the class all while becoming more familiar seeing those words. They will be using two senses of seeing and hearing to experience the test.

    This program also meets the technology and content aspects of TPACK. It is a well designed software program that has been implemented in other schools and proven to increase learning shown through proficiency test scores. I will be using it mostly for individualized assessments involving the vocabulary words for the unit. By following along with what is read on the screen, the students can hear the options of words and the definitions. This is a great technology to teach and administer the vocabulary content to each of the special needs and ELL students.

    This project meets the overlapping categories of pedagogy and content because the students do not have to struggle with learning the content. They now can access it individually and can complete the assessment the same. By putting the assessments into the Solo 6 program, the students are not held back by their lack of literacy ability. They are able to experience the test just as another student. The only difference is that another student might read the test in their head while the other student is hearing it read aloud.

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