Monday, March 5, 2012

CEP 812: Professional Learning Plan


  1. Great use of Prezi. I like the orange is a nice change from the standard white. The yellow letters with the white background are hard to read.

    Your goals are specific enough to be short term, yet, they can span for the long run, too.

    Nice quote to conclude your plan. The most important word is, "tool." Technology is not the is a tool to help us...

    Good luck as you strive to improve student engagement, collaboration, differentiation, and academic achievement.

  2. Nice job on your Prezi. I like that you mentioned so many of the tools that we used in our Group Leadership Project as well as some others we've used in this course. It's obvious that you appreciated the work we were doing recently. I also like how you re-evaluated your goals to create more feasible ones for you and your student. Keep adding tools to your repertoire and keep pushing forward!

  3. I think that you have some pretty nice goals here. I think that you can really make a difference with differentiation, as well as different ways students learn, if you stick to your goals to integrate more of the great technologies that we have used during the course. I am also going to start trying out Prezi and Jing in my classroom because I loved them so much during this course.

    Hope you can take some time this summer to get started on your goals!
